Tesisat Dergisi 67. Sayı (Temmuz 2001)

BEGIN EVERY WEEK WITH The Latest Developments ın National and International Tenders concerning Consultancy and Engineering, Turnkey Projects, Machinery-Equipment and Material Supply, Civil Works, ete., - information on studies towards preparation of tenders, bid invitations, prequalification applications and results, bid openings, all developments and results of tenders. Detailed lnvestment Programs, Studies for the Financing of Projects, lncentives, Sectoral Reports, Important Economic Developments, Special Research and Analysis and lnformation on Tenders Abroad. Votırımlor Mogozınc ıs published every •Neek in Turkish cınrJ Englısh Pleose contoct our Publıc Relalions Deportment for deloils on ~uhscrirıt.on. to be kept up to date on lhe obove subıec•s Address: Nilgün Sokak 12/1 Çankaya-Ankara/TÜRKİYE • Tel: 00 90 312 467 42 59 - Fax: 00 90 312 468 33 34