Tesisat Dergisi 57. Sayı (Eylül 2000)

M-akale---------� Article POMPA DOSYASI • POMPALARDA ENERJi TASARRUFU ENERGY SAVING iN PUMPS BORA NALBANTOĞLU Elektrik Yüksek Mühendisi / AlarkoCarrier Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. Alpom Fabrikası 1969'da Lefko5ia Kıbrıs 'ta doğdu. 1995 yılında İ. TÜ. 'den Elektrik Yüksek Mühendisi olarak mezun oldu. O tarihten beri Alarko Carrier Sanayi ve Ticaret A. Ş. Alpom Fabrikasında görevini sürdürmektedir. Bu incelememizde deği5iken debili sistemde enerji tasarrufu sağlayacak pompanın seçimi açıklanacak ve örnek bir sistem için seçim yapılacaktır. Diğer yandan seçimi doğru yapılmı5i pompa bazı uygulamalar örneğin gün içerisindeki su tüketimi o/dukca deği5iken olanlar için yeterli olmamaktadır. Bu türdeki uygulamalar için Güç Elektroniği ve Otomasyon teknolojisinin olanaklarından faydalanarak enerji tüketimini en alt seviyelerde tutan sistemler tasar/anabilmektedir. Böyle bir sistemin tasarım prensipleri ve elemanları tanıtılacaktır. When we ask anybody about his idea about 21 century on these /ast days of 20 century he wi/1 mention that we wi/1 face the problem of lack of energy. The human being consumes the energy capita/ that was estab/ished by the nature for mi//ions of years and it seems that there wi/1 be no alternative source for this capital in the near future. For this reason we have to provide the most economica/ andpure usage system for these present energy sources, to increase the productivity of al/ the apparatuses and machines and to give importance to the energy saving. When the historical processes of the energy consumption are examined, with the removal of transportation problems and using of gas instead of petroleum and coal, a new energy kind is produced that has the easiest treatment operation and is the most c/ear one. Besides in the near (uture e/ectric energy wi/1 be more used t/ıan gas and the next age wi/1 be electricity age as the past was a petroleum age. Far this reason while we are providing the energy we should take consider firstly the electricity energy. Most of the electricity energy is consumed in the pump and far applications at the buildings and industry. in the pump and fan applications, the pump and fan type is adjusted according to the highest air or water capacity. The changes of the capacity within a day are not considered. However, in applications w/ıere water or air changing is very high within a day. This situation and energy consumption s/ıould be taken in to consideration: in our study the se/ection ofa pump that wi/1 provide energy saving in the changing capacitysystem wi/1 be explained and a selection be made fora sample system. On the other handa correctly se/ected pump may not be sufficient for some applications, far example for the ones that have very variable water consumption within a day Far such applications systems that put the energy consumption at the below leve/s bygetting use o( the Power Electronics and Automation are being planned. The design principles and elements far such a system wi/1 be introduced. ö A TESİSAT DERGİSİ SAYI 57 ---------------------ıl& l� EYLÜL 2000