96 • -_-H·. •. a·: ._<_-·b · '" e . r . 1 e r • Bu gruplarda katıl ım bedellerine kongre çantası, kongre bildiriler kitabı,sergi kataloğu, öğle yemekleri, kahve-çay ikramları dahildir. Yemeksiz katılım ücreti ödeyenler öğle yemeklerinden yararlanamazlar. ÖĞRENCİ KATiLiM BEDELİ MMO ÜYESİ ÖĞRENCİ (Ti/kişi) MMO ÜYESİ OLMAYAN ÖĞRENCİ (Ti/kişi) 29 Ağustos 1997'ye kadar 3.000.000 4.500.000 29 Ağustos 1997'clen sonra 4,000.000 6.000.000 Bu grupta katılım bedellerine kongre bildiriler kitaby, sergi kataloğu ve kongre çantası dahildir. Yazışma Adresi: TMMOB MMO İzmir Şubesi, Atatürk Cad. No:422 Kat:6, 35210 Alsancak-İZMİR Tel:0.232.463 41 98/124-125, Fax:0.232.422 60 39 • NATO ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE on ENERGY CONSERVATION THROUGH HEAT TRANSFER ENHANCEMENT OF HEAT EXCHANGERS, May 25June 5, 1998, Altın Yunus, İzmir OBIECTIVE & INFORMATION The purpose of the lnstitute is to provide for an international forum for the dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge on the Energy Condervation through Heat Transfer Enhancement of Heat Exchangers. This Advance Study lnstitute will primary be a high level teaching activity, where the subject of the heat transfer enhancement will be treated in considerable depth by lecturers eminent in their fields. Lecturers will cover the funclamentals and applications of the subject matter. A limited number of paper presentations will also be accepted. General topics of the lnstitute will include (but not be limited to): the heat-transfer enhancement in heat exchangers (including electroniccooling) for single-phase and two-phase flow applications; surface augmentations; energy and material-saving consiclerations; economical ancl ecological issues; design of new heat-exchanger equipment for recyclic; and applications in industry. Panel discussions will be organized, and future research needs will be identifiecl. Address: Director of the NATO ASI Dr. Sadık Kakaç, Prof of Mechanical Engineering Universty of Miami Miami, FL 33125-0624 USA Phone:1-305-284 2571, Telefax: 1-305-284 2580 e-mail: skakac@coecls.eng.miami.eclu • Yangın Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 4-6 Aralık 1997, Milli Kütüphane - ANKARA Sempozyum ve Sergi ile ilgili bilgi almak ve kayıtlar hakkında bilgi edinmek için yazışma adresi: TMMOB KİMYA MÜHENDİSLERİ ODASI-ANKARA ŞUBESİ Karanfil Sok. No: 19/5 06550 Kızılay - ANKARA Tel :(0312) 418 20 51 Fax: (0312) 418 16 54 Yurtdı�ı Kongre ve Fuarlar : (Aşağıda verilen aktiviteler ile ilgili detaylı bilgi almak isteyenlerin Dernek Merkezine başvurmaları rica olunur.) • 1 998 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, 1 7-21 January 1 998, San Francisco, California. • "The 4th Conferance: Efficiency, Comfort, Energy Saving ancl Environment Protection" ancl BIRAC' 97 "lnternational Exhibition on Heating, Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, Sanitary, Electrical, Lighting and Environment Protection Equipments", 19-21 November 1997, Bucharest-Romania. • lnternational Conferance on "INDOOR CLIMATE OF BUILDINGS'98 -HEALTH ancl COMFORT vs. INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY" 1-3 December 1998, Slovakia. • AIRAH INTERNATİONAL CONFERENCE, 5-8 April 1998, Australia. • 3rd lnternational Congress "HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING OF BUILDINGS", 9-1 1 May,1 998, Slovenia. • lnternational Conference and Exhibition "Creating the Procluctive Workplace", 29-30 October 1997, Lonclon. • Twentieth lnternational Congress of Refrigeration, 19-24 September 1999, Sydney, Australia.