Tesisat Dergisi 27. Sayı (Mayıs-Haziran 1997)

- New Residential Water Heating Systems - Recent Developments in Trailer and Container Refrigeration - The Utility / Building lnterface: Redefining an Old Relationship - New and Revised Climatic Design lnformation in the 1997 Handbook of Fundamentals - Proper Treatment of Fluids For Thermal Storage Systems - Refrigerant Flammability Test Procedures and Results - What Do Designers Need ta Account for Wind Pressures on HVAC lnflow and Outflow? - What's in ASHRAE Standard 152P and Where Did it Come From? - Compatibility lssues - lce Rink Dehumidification - lndustrial Cogeneration Alternative Technologies - Quiet and Efficient Fans far Radiator Cooling - Sensory Panels in the Assessment of lndoor Air Quality FORUM - Coardination of Chapter 11 District Heating and Cooling with Related Chapters - Correlation of Sound Quality ta Verbal Descriptions - ASHRAE's Role in Developing Sustainable Technologies - ASHRAE' s Role in Multi-Disciplinary Standards - New Application of Code Requirements for Fire Stopping Affects ASHRAE members - What ASHRAE Members Want/ Need from Manufacturers' World Wide Web Sites - How Should ASHRAE Computer Models Be Expressed? - Should the ASHRAE Guideline on HVAC Commissioning Become A Standard? - Do ASHRAE Engineers Have the Tools ta Design ·�cceptable" Smoking Areas in Restaurants and Bars? - What Topics Should Be Addressed in the Handbook Chapter far Power Plants? - Light Flicker, Is it the Appliance ar the Utility? Part il - Should ASHRAE Standards that Are Relevant ta IAQ Be Based on Comfort ar Health ? - Have We Fargotten the "Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis" ? - Is ASHRAE Standard 55 An Operating Standard As Weel As A Design Standard? - Is There History After the Centennial? - How Do Supermarkets Adjust to New Standards? - Optimization of Performance and Energy Conservation far Central Plants- Who is Doing it? Is a TG Needed ? -Why History? - Parasitic Losses in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems - Proposed Air Quality Parameters on Commercial Aircraft - Aircraft Cabin Air Quality Proposed Standard - Useful and Non-Useful Superheat in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems - Is Zero Blowdown in a Cooling Tower Possible? Options far Minimizing Cooling Tower Discharge - Augmenting the Handbook CD-ROM - How Can Standard 90.1 Be Made More Useful? - Monitaring for Effective Levels of Biocides and Bacteria lncluding Legionella in Building Water Systems - Variation in lndoor Particulate Standards Around the World? - When Will Owners and Engineers Accept Commissioning ? -ASHRAE's Role in IAQ? - Exactly What Do Smart Buildings and Control Systems Mean Today? - Brainstorming ta ldentify Centrifugal Chiller Programs - How Much Is Enough...To Achieve Cleanroom Classification? - lmpact of Proposed Standard 90.1 Revisions on Thermal Storage - Is lnternal lsolation Effective? Will it Fail During an Earthquake? - What is lnhibiting lmplementation of Variable Speed ? - Advances in Heat Pump Water Heater Technology - ASHRAE Standard 62 Compliance : Central versus Loca! Ventilation and Control - New ldeas far Non-Ducted Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners for Single-Zones POSTER SESSİON - A Thermal Sensation Prediction Tool Far Use by the Profession - Convective Heat Transfer in Building Energy and Thermal Load Calculations - Energy Performance Analysis of Prototype Electrochromic Windows - Measured Annual Performance of Ten Roof Assemblies in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia - Sensitivity Analysis far Building Thermal Loads - Thermodynamic Properties of Lithium Bromide+ Diethanolamine + Water Systems - A Study of Control Strategies to lmprove lndoar Air Quality with Outdoar Air in Winter in Taiwanese Apartments Demonstrated by a Design far a Bathroom - Derivation of Equations Necessary far Primary Airflow Redistribution in VAV Systems ta Reduce Outdoor Air lntake While Meeting Ventilation Requirements - Evaluating Building IAQ and Ventilation with lndoor Carban Dioxide - Field Study of Occupant Compart and Office Thermal Environments in a Cold Climate - lmpacts of Static Pressure Set Level on the HVAC Energy Consumption and lndoor Conditions - Literature Review on CO2 Based Demand Controlled Ventilation - Potential Carrection Factors far lnterpreting CO2 Measurements in Buildings - An Advanced Economizer Controller far Dual Duct Air Handling Systems With a Case Application - Evaluation of Residential Duct Sealing Effectiveness - lntroducing the ASHRAE Guide ta Successful lmplementation of Cool Storage Projects - Review on Using the Time Constant far Studying the Atrium Smoke Filling Processes - Simulation of an Automobile Heat Pump 111