ASHRAE YAZ TOPLANTISI PROGRAMI 28 Haziran-2 Temmuz 1997, Boston ASHRAE Yaz Toplantısı programında i§lenecek konular a§ağıda ba§lıklar halinde sunulmu§tur. Programın tamamında ayrıca konu ba§lıkları hakkında kısa özetler de bulunmaktadır. İlgilenen meslekta§larımız dernek merkezinden bu bilgileri ve toplantıya katılım formunu temin edebilirler. TEKNİK OTURUM -A Field Study of Office Thermal Comfort Using Questionnaire Software -ASHRAE 786 RP :Using Manufacturer's Acoustical Data -Deferring Heat to Space Heating- A Benefıcial Approach to District Heating -A Fundamental Study of Refrigerant Line Transients: Part 2- Pressures Excursion Estimates and lnitation -Energy Saving Opportunities for Positive Displacement Air Compressors -Evaluation of Ozone-Friendly Hydrofluoropropane-Based Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixtures in a Lorenz-Meutzner Refrigerator/ Freezer -Experimental lnvestigation of an Advanced Adsorption Refrigeration Cycle -Performance of Nozzle-Sprayed Ammonia Evaporator with Square-Pitch Plain-Tube Bundle -Electric Storage Water Heaters: From Laboratory Measurements to Field Electricity Consumption -Evaluation of Proposed ASHRAE Energy Audit Form and Procedures -Modeling the Thermal and Emissions Performance of Commercial Boilers -Use of EMCS Recorded Data to ldentify Potential Savings Due to lmproved HVAC Operations and Maintenance SYMPOSIUM - Demand Controlled Ventilation and lndoor Air Quality - lnstallation Problems with Unitary Residential Heat Pump and Air-Conditioner Systems - Recent Advances in Refrigerator- Freezer Technologies - Understanding Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers: Alone and in Systems -Part 1 - Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program Part 2 - lndustrial and Agricultural Applications of Thermal Energy Storage and Swine House IAQ - Vertical Geothermal Heat Pump Projects: Making Them Trouble Free and Self-Funding Part 2 - Advanced Methods for Calculating Peak Cooling Loads - Fire in Atria and Other Large Spaces- Current Smoke Management Research and Methods - Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program- Part 1 - lnhibited Glycol Mixtures versus Freezing and HVAC & R System Efficiency - Thermal and Fluid Characteristics in HVAC and Refrigeration Heat Exchange Processes - Why VAV Systems Do Not Work or Do They? - Recent Advances in Fume Hood Testing - Humidity Technologies and Their Effect on IAQ - Field Methods forAnalyzing Equipment, Building and Facility Energy Use - New Research in Commercial Kitchen Ventilation SEMİNER - Advanced Combustion Technologies - GLP and cGMP for Laboratories - How Will Future Standards lmpact Supermarket Design? - lmplementation and Application of Neural- Network Based Controls - Process Air Systems for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Spaces - Switching from Halocarbons to Ammonia : Rationale and Results - Building Life-Cycle lnformation Systems - Fine Particulate Measurements for IAQ lnvestigations, Part 1 - Fire and Smoke Control Evaluation Techniques - Measurements for Energy Saviı:ıgs Performance Contracting - Case Studies- Large Building Air Conditioning Retrofıts - The Various Aspects of Test and Balance - Thermal and Air lntrusion Considerations in Building Envelopes - Variables Affecting O & M Costs - lndustrial Environmental Control Systems, A Team Approach - lnternational Standard Activities in the Area of Energy Use and HVAC Systems in Buildings - First Time At a SocietyMeeting - This Seminar's for You! - Becoming a Power User of the Latest ASHRAE Electronic Tools - Direct Expansion Ammonia Revisited - Latest Advances in Psychrometric Analysis - lssues Update - Practical Efficiency Limits of Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps - Simplifıed Models for Room Air and Contaminant Distribution - BACnet in the Real World - Examples ofTechnological Advances in Radiant Heating and Cooling - lmplementation of Optimal Control- What Works and What Doesn't - Practical Applications of Energy Calculations - Refrigerant Containment Technologies - Seismic Building Codes? What Does an ASHRAE Member Need to Know - Buildings and Environment: Methods and Tools for Evaluating the lmpacts of Buildings on the Environment - Experience with Secondary Coolants - Measurement Methods for VOCs and TVOC 110 - - -'