HABITAT REPORT The purpose of this text is to define the role of technical consultation services in creating a habitable environment on the occasion of the "Habitat II Conference" which will take place soon in our Country. 1.TECHNICALCONSULTATION Technical Consultation Services, (or in other words services offered by Consulting Engineers and Architects) are the work of realisation of organisation in relationwith the physical structure of an investment from its design phase until its final completion. The consultant who offers his services on the subject, is the person who accepts the responsibility from the first phase which consists of studies on which the investor would base his decision of starting (or not starting) the project until the actual realisation of the investment; thus performing a complete consultating service including the relevant organizingjob as well. Services of technical consultation can be grouped under the following headings: A. Services relating to preliminary studies and programming, B. Services for research and planning, C. Architectural and engineering design services, D. Services relating to evaluations / estimations andtechnical specifications, E. Bidding / contracting services, F. Professional supervision services, G.Consultation services, 2. FIDICANDASSOCIATIONOFTURKISHCONSULTINGENGINEERSANDARCHITECTS Association of Turkish Consulting Engineers and Architects was established in 1980, and became a member of FIDIC (International Federation of Consulting Engineers) in 1987. FIDIC is an international federation of consulting engineers which deals with the field of technical consultation and is angaged in the following subjects and activities: -To unite the national associations, members of which consist of the firms established by the persons who are competent to offer the services defined in "Article: l " described above. - To define and control the professional and ethical rules and standards -To define and control the work standards and to publish quide-books / manuals on the subject - matter, - To limit its membership for national associations as only one association for each country andto seıect such association as the one which gathers professionals who have high quality technical ability, independence and competency. - To monitor and control as close as possible the matter of behaving in conformity with the principles concerning "independence, professional quality and ability" Both the administrators and the members of the association endeavor to attendwith maximum possible participation the FIDIC General Assemblies which gather in different countries eachyear and discuss the development and problems related to the services of consulting engineers. The previous Genera! Assembly of FIDIC took place in İstanbul between the dates August 28-31, 1995, underthetitle of "FIDIC 95 - ISTANBUL" More than 600 members from approximately 50 countries participated in technical studies and social activities during the İstanbul FIDIC Assembly During the meeting "Issues concerning the Big Agglomerations" was selected as one of the topics of technical studies; and problems of Istanbul were discussed among the consultant members of the meeting; thus a number of opinions / ideas were determined and recorded. Association of Turkish Consultant Engineers and Architects and FIDIC, define colloboratively the "Consulting Engineer / Architect" withinthe context of the " three principles ", namely INDEPENDENCE, PR0FF.SSIONAL QUALITY AND C0MPETENCY in the following manner: INDEPENDENCE: Person (s) who works as an independent engineer or architect; in other words neither works in a governmental / or semi - governmental organization nor in such an agency establishedbytheparticipation of such govermental and/or semi-governmental organizations, (FIDIC STATUTF.S, ARTİCLE 25), - Person(s) not working in contracting or manufacturing firms, not employed in organizations established by the participations of such firms, alsa person(s) not having any organıc attachment to such firm / organizations. (FIDIC STATUTES, ARTICLE 25) - Person(s) who carries -out his (her) own engineering / architectural firm either by himself (herself) or in colloboration with other engineers and architects, as a personal firm, ora company. - Person(s) who employ personnel on his account to provide the neccessary professional services. - Person(s) who is concious of his (her) obligation to act and behave completely independent and impartialwith relations towards contractors, manufacturers and procurers; also always ready to reject any kind of offers / favours which may harın his (her) impartiality/ independence and/or his duties towards his (her) clients; not be influenced by any connections with the above mentioned entitites (contractors, ete.). - Person(s) whose remuneration ofhis (her) professional services ıs solely the fee paidby the clients. (FIDIC STATUTES, ARTICLE 3.2. 2). Person(s) who abides the principles of the ethical statutes which are complied by the national associations and approved by FIDIC respectively. PROFESSIONALQUALITY. - Person(s) who in the exercise of his profession acts in the legitimate interest of his (her) client (FIDIC STATUTES, ARTICLE 3.2. 1). - Person(s) who protects the reputation, standingand status of both himself and his profession with complete fidelity and serves the best interest of society (FIDIC STATUTES, 3.2. 1 ). COMPETENCE Person(s) who has the necessary knowledge and experience to enable him (her) to fulfil his (her) missions as a consulting engineer or architect (FIDIC STATUTES, ARTICLE 3.2.3) is accepted asa competent professional of the field. Ali the rules, definitions, views and considerations explained above havethe qualifications which emphasizethe importance of the Technical Consultations Services in obtainingand maintaining a habitable environment. 5