TESİSAT MÜHENDİSLERİ DERNEĞİ Society of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers +ıııoıs, � ". nn " TECHNICAL BULLETIN SEPTEMBER- 1995 No:l 5 The TMO Technical Bulletin is published periodically as a special form of TESİSAT PERIODICAL, which is published bimonthly. S oAAcsii ser -ot ycCi aoo tfnedHi Set i oao tcni i niengt gy, oRE fne tgf hri ni egeeAer mraste, i nr i ignc eaa.nn d (ASHRAE) PUBLISHER: TMO TESİSAT MÜHENDİSLERİ DERNEĞİ ADDRESS: TMO T Z A Fai e N y k l K a s A :: B 0 0 R e - - 3 y 3 A 1 1 - C 2 2 T a - - Ü 2 d 2 R 8 . 8 K 5 N5 İ o Y 7 7:5 E 8 8 9 6 6 1 B2 a (l P g B a X t ) PUBLISHED BY: TEKNİK YAYINCILIK, TANITIM A.Ş. PB8 0ah 7ol m0n 0eu m: B( ec9 şu0i , k- B2t aa1 ş2r -b) İ as2rt7ao s5n b8Bu3ul l v5 a9 r ı( P1 B3 X1 /) 1 O Fax : (90-212) 288 26 14-15 Printed by: Cem Ofset TABLE OF CONTENTS * The View Of The President * Announcement * News Of The Society * "United Nations Conference on Human Settlements" (General View and Opinions of TM□ Through The Preparations of HABİTAT il-İstanbul) Celal OKUTAN * "Congresses and il. National HVAC&R Engineers Congress" Prof. Dr. Macit TOKSOY * "in Our Country, Technical&Official Problems And Suggestions On The Mechanical lnstallations Approval" Bahri TÜRKMEN * "An Economical Approach to Saving of Hot Water Usage And Storage for Hotels" Celal OKUTAN * A Centennial History: Joseph H. Lazar, P.E., 1895 * A Portrait Mr. Akdeniz HİÇSÖNMEZ "M. Sc. Mech. Engineer"