Tesisat Dergisi 16. Sayı (Temmuz-Ağustos 1995)

TESİSAT MÜHENDİSLERİ DERNEĞİ Society of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning&Sanitary Engineers .._t,14D1 .s, -�... � ., . 'I; TİıIıIrzMM TECHNICAL BULLETIN JULY-1995 No:l 4 The TMO Technical Bulletin is published periodically as a special form of TESİSAT PERIODICAL , which is published bimonthly. Associate Society ol the American Society ol Healing, Relrigeraling an Air- Conditioning Engineers, ine. (ASHRAE) PUBLISHER: TMO TESİSAT MÜHENDİSLERİ DERNEĞİ ADDRESS: TMD Ziyabey Cad No:59 06520 Balgat ANKARA-TÜRKİYE Tel : 0-312-285 78 61 (PBX) Faks: 0-312-285 78 62 PUBLISHED BY: TEKNİK YAYINCILIK, TAN iTiM A.Ş Balmumcu, Barbaros Bulvarı 1 31/1 O 80700 Beşiktaş-İstanbul Phone: (90-212) 275 83 59 (PBX) Fax : (90-212) 288 26 14-15 TABLE OF CONTENTS *The View Of The President *"Quality" Celal OKUTAN E * x l n e t c e u r t n iv a e t i o B n o a a l r R d e l a t i o n s * Announcement *News Of The Society *"What We Want, Why it Is Not Happening!" Tınaz TİTİZ O*Sf tAugdeynodfaThHeABBaITsAicTC11oncepts That Form The Existence Prot. Dr. İlhan TEKELİ *United Nations "Settlement Of Mankind" Conference t RCioeeln pao l E rOn t gKO iUn nTe TAe h rNe s Attendance Of The Society Of lnstallaC*Alimn aAtninaglyMseusltiA-PnudrpCorsieteriSaalOonnsFrugality Basis For Celal OKUTAN *A Portrait Anuştekin TOKGÖZ