361\ Mostra Convegno EXPOCOMFORT COMFORT & LIVING TECHNOLOGY March, 11 th-15th 2008 fieramilano - Nuovo Quartiere Rho Four sectors, a single target: your business. Heating, cooling, water and energy at the leading international bienniaJ exhibition dedicated to the HVAC and plumbing sector. MCE ls the leadng · emation:al biernial exhibc i01l abla to tepresoot aJ the l'ıncMıtive solutl()(IS and rew tren:::ıs of Comfort & Living Technology focussed on HVAC an::! plumt::ing sector, an opportunity for meeting arıd comparison for all players l'lfOiıA;d. CE is integrated \'littıln a system where the union of ·ectnoıogy, design, research and InnovatiOn •All make ttıis ıwent cwı intematbnaı refef'E:()ce and c:rı aıcp:ır~enoa not to b9 mıssecı. mostra convegno expocomfort To be s aged parallel to MCF fXf f sRGNO F:ıx • 39 02 48.006.450 ~loeelmcoxıxıoonıf<ırt.iı wv/\v.nıoexpocomfoı1. , ~Oor""*"'""" e~ "i,ı~ıltly"'''o-o & ~ · (/ Reed ..-a -.-o Exhibitions