TESİSAT MÜHEN DERNEĞİ .-)+f.M Dis, Society of Heating, Ventilation, Air ing&Sanitary Engineers r � •ıı.�.. t:,....,,,.,,..., ,(" • "' ���" 1"2 TÜAKİ'I!'. C�Jf!!�!fJ TECHNICAL BULLETIN MARCH- 1 995 .No: 1 2 The TMD Technical Bulletin is published periodically as a special form of TESİSAT PERIODICAL , which is published bimonthly. Associate Society ol the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating an Air-Condilioning Engineers, ine. (ASHRAE) PUBLISHER: TMO TESİSAT MÜHENDİSLERİ DERNEĞİ ADDRESS:TMO Hirfanlı Sokak 8/A 06700 G.O.P. Ankara-TÜRKİYE Phone: (90-312)438 85 60-438 85 61 Fax : (90-312)438 91 36 PUBLISHED BY: TEKNİK YAYINCILIK, TANITIM A.Ş Balmumcu, Barbaros Bulvarı 131/10 80700 Beşiktaş-İstanbul Phone: (90-212) 275 83 59 (PBX) Fax : (90-212) 288 26 14-15 TABLE OF CONTENTS • Energy and Building Technology Executive Board • The view ol the President • News lrom the Society • TMO 1993-1995 Term 1. Executive Board Report Celal OKUTAN (TMD President) • A New Synthesis at Central Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems: HYBRID Systems Prof Dr. İ. Birol KILKIŞ "Heat-Way USA" • lmpressions ol 100. Anniversary ol ASHRAE 1995 Meeting Prof Dr. Macit TOKSOY "9 Eylül University" • Focus on 100. Anniversary ol ASHRAE 1995 Meeting and Fair Prof Dr. Osman GENCELİ "İ. T.Ü." • Comments on ASHRAE Relations Prof Dr. İ. Birol KILKIŞ "ASHRAE Technical Commitees Member" • Engineering Education and Research ATAS Science Conference "Prof. Sadık KAKAÇ" University of Miami • Building Technology Science and a Program on its Education MiTArchitectur "Energyin Building Design" • Technical Bulletins (No: 1-12) Technical Articles lndex • A Portrait lrom us "Prol.Dr. Birol KILKIŞ"