EĞİTİM Yapı Teknolojisi Bilimi & Eğitiminde Bir Detay Bültenlerimizde sık sık ele almış olduğu muz ve 8-1 O Aralık 1994 tarihinde İstanbul'da HYATT-Regency Hotel 'de yapılan ı . Uluslararası Yapı Teknolojisi Bilimi ve Yapıda Tesisat konulu sempozyumun ana konusunu oluşturan profesyonelliğe yönelik eğitimin MİT Mimari Fakültesi'nde bir sömestri uygulanan "Energy in Building Design" programı aşağıda İngilizce orijinal şekli ile yayınlanmıştır. Energy in Building MiT ARCHITECTURE Design Prof.Q CHEN Course Outline Howto design an energyefficient building is a challenging job. in this course, we will explore aspects of thermal phenomena, thermal comfort, and climate relevant to building design, and applies concepts and methods to energy-efficient building design. Topics inci ude thermodynamics, psychrometrics, comfort, indoor air quaıity and air distribution, solar radiation, climate, space heating and cooling loads, and lighting. Emphasizes a quantitative understanding of enefgy fundamentals; examples from practice, and design exercises. Class Meetings: LecturesWF 11-12:30 in 1-273 Lab : To be arranged. 1 nstructor: YAN CHEN 5-419x3-7714 Office Hours: WF 12:30-2:00 Teaching Assistant: MEHMET OKUTAN: 3-41 2x3-7628 Office hours: To be Announced Texts: • G. Z. Brown, Sun, Wind, and Light: Architectural Design Strategies, John Wiley & Sons, 1985. • F. Moore, Environmental Control Systems: Heating Cooling Lihting, McGraw-Hill, ine. 1993. • N. Lechner, Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Design Methods for Arc�itects, John Wiley & Sons, 1991. * ASHRAE, 1993 Fundamentals, ASHRAE, 1993. • Class Notes to be handed aut in class. Assignments & Evaluation: The final grade in the course will be based upon analytical homework assignments, design projects, one quizand a final exam weighted as follows: 25 % Home workassignment: Home work will be assigned at one to two week intervals and collected in a week to two weeks time. You are requested to work independently or at least to submit work that reflects your own understanding. 35% Design Projects: Urban, site, and building design/analysis projects will be the focus of Friday lab activities after the spring vacation. We will attempt to string two series of design/analysis "exercises" together to create these projects and to introduce you to practical methods of analysis that can guide design decisions. Forthese project/exercises you may work in teams of not more than three students each and submit single team solutions or proposals. You may be required to make a short oral presentation and to answer questions. 20% Mid-term quiz: Wednesday, March 22, 1995. A 1 .5 hour quiz will be given in class and will be an open-book, opennotes quiz. 20% Final Exam: The final will be scheduled by the lnstitute and will be a 3 hour, open book, open-notes exam. Approach: The course will be presented as a series of lecture and "design labs" - design studios with a numerical twist. Lectures will present analytical theory and systematically explore energy efficient design strategies, based upon this theory, ranging from community-scale to building component-scale strategies. Labs will provide opportunities to apply theses analytical methods and strategies to proble ms of energy efficient building and community design. Outline: We hope to revise the scope, organization, and details of the course as we proceed into the semesterto place a greater emphasis on community and urban-scale energy issues and the impact of building energy consumption on the regional and global environment. The following outline is tentative. lntroduction to the oourse Part 1: Fundamental Principles: 1 . Thermodynamic fundamentals: Energy 21 conservation & consumption 1.1. State variables 1.2. Energy and energy conversion 1.2. Thermal properties 1 .4. First ıaw ofthermodynamics and the single zone building model 2. Heat transfer phenomena 2.1. Condustion 2.2. Convection 2.3. Radiation 2.4. Combined conduction, convection, and radiation 3. State relations-liquids, solids, ideal gases, and moist air 3.1. The ideal gas law 3.2. Psychrometry 4. Physiological principles and thermal comfort 4.1. Energy balance 4.2. Thermal exchanges with the environment 4.3. Thermal comfort Part il: Climate Response Design: 5. Climate 5.1. Climate 5.2. Microclimate 5.3. Design strategies 6. Solar geometry, shading, access, and radiation 6.1. Solar radiation 6.2. Passive solar 6.3. Shading 7. Passive cooling 7.1. Passive cooling systems 7.2. Airflow and buildings 7.3. Ventilation system design Part 111: Active systems: 8. Mechanical equipment far heating and cooling 8.1 . Heating systems 8.2. Cooling systems Part iV: Building dynamics: 9. Building thermal dynamics 9. 1. Outline of building thermal performance evaluation 9.2. Single zone model 9.3. Solution of dynamic thermal equations 9.4. Estimation of building energy consumption.