Tesisat Dergisi 14. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 1995)

KONFERANS ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH '9 Nolu bültenimizde üyemiz Prof. Dr. Sadık KAKAÇ ile söyleşimizin temasını içeren Mühendislikde Eğitim ve Araştırma konusu 21 Ocak 1995 tarihinde Washington'da "ASSOCIATION of Turkish American Scientists - ATAS" toplantısında Dr. Kakaç tarafından "ENG I N EER I NG EDUCATION & RESEARCH" başlığında konferans olarak verilmiş olup, derneğimiz amaçlarına yönelik bulunan konferans "İngilizce" orijinal haliyle yayınlanmıştır. 1 am delighted to present my thouglıts and experience on Engineering Education and Research to such a remarkable gathering. 1 have observed and studied !he nature of academic life for many years. When we look back and observe our relations with students, our influence upon them, and our pride in their accomplishments, we find it has been the most rewarding aspect of our professional life. During the last 1O to 15 years, the life of professors has changed dramatically. The complexity ofthis life, the expectations of us, !he pace and politics oftlıe academia, and our connections beyond its boundaries have all changed greatly, The answers to the following question are being discussed in engineering institutions and various conferences on engineering education in numerous countries. "Wlıat societal, technological, or educational changes are likely to affect engineering education in the next 1 O years, and how should engineering education respond to these changes"? The impact of the computer revolution on society will be felt and understood, and the implementations are likely to be profound. The engineering education and research initiatives will be more receptive to rapidly changing technological advances in meeting societal challenges. Life in the academia today requires renewal, access to sophisticated laboratories, computers, greater productivity and more demands to serve our society to affect !he strength of !he economy of ou r country. No nation can be truly competitive if it is unableto produce goods and servicesthatare lıighly marketable. Engineering education in general, and !he graduate education in particular, is at the center of this challenge. in many countries including Tü rkiye, at progressive engineering departments, curricula are constantly being revised and tlıe traditional offerings are routinely challenged. Engineering enterprises are no longer primarily domestic, but are more globally based, D,·. Srıdık Krıkrıf Pı·ofessoı- & Cluıfrmrm Dept. ofMechrmicrıl Engineeı-iııg Uı,iveı-sity ofMirımi Cami Grıbles, Floı-idrı and that engineering-department industries operate in an international marketplace, facing keen foreign competition. Thus, as never before, engineering education requires selfstudyto reassessall dimensions of engineering and to equate programs witlı emerging and projected needs lor engineers and related professions. in one looks to tlıe future, it is clear !hat certain needs (e.g., energy communications and transportation) will continue, and these will generale many clıallenges forfuture engineers. Some of the new technologies will emerge form: • Striving for energy conservation and alternative fuel supplies • Extending the use of materials for recycling • Protecting tlıe environment • Expanding food production teclınology • Exploring natural and ocean resources • Expanding high technology fields and improving computer applications. • Manufacturing and Materials Processing • Bioengineering and Bioteclınology • Aerospace Future engineering education will embrace a far different scope, far more demanding of capabilities that draw on social sciences and humanities, as well as natural sciences. Engineering education should provide !he graduates not only an understanding of technology in a general sense, but an understanding of!he social, ethical, and aesthetic implications of the technologies those graduates will be developing, applying and managiııg. Engineering education should develop the following Oualities: lntegrative Capability The recognition of engineering as an integrative process in which analysis and synthesis are supported with sensitivity to societal needs and environmental requirements. Analysis CapabilityThe critical thinking which underlies problem definition (modeling, simulation, optimization) and derives from iıı-depth understanding of the physical life, and mathematical sciences, the humanities, and social sciences. l nnovation and Synthesis Capabililies The creation and elegant implementation of useful systems and products including their design and manufacture. Contextural Understanding Capability The appreciation of the economic, industrial, and international environment in wlıich engineering is practiced, and tlıe ability to provide societal leadership effectively. Eaclı of these goals contributes to the fundamental purpose ofa well balanced engineering 18 education. FUTURE TREND$ iN ENGINEERING CURRICULA Curricula now offered in engineering programs need modification and are presently being modified in many engineering schools. The curricula should not train engineering graduates, as being technicians, to engage in a variety of engineering assignments and projeci, and to play a limited role in massive orgaııizations struggling to cope with rapidly clıanging social, economic and political influences. The mission slıould be to provide educatioıı that teaclıes technological leaderslıip in the society, world society. Engineering graduates should gain perspective and prepare themselves to meet their civic and social obligations in tlıe society. The graduates should understand that engineering is for people, and !hat society sets demanding goals and constraints tor engineering practice. in technological delivery systems, therefore, courses in humanities and social studies are required for future engineers. STRATEGIES FOR EXCELLENCE iN TEACHING AND RESEARCH Future engineering education is committed to maintain !he tradition of excellence and to keep pace with tlıe rapid technological changes of today's complex global market. As engineering education faces the challenges of tomorrow, it should fosterthe following qualities whiclı reflect the overall objectives and values: • Maintain lıiglı academic standards. Ouality of education slıould be of the utmost concern. • Engineering education should diversify its offerings and modernize its methods. Tlıe contents, as well, slıould be modernized and eııgineering education should be more attractive to prepare tlıem tor !he 21 st Century witlı confidence, focus and strength. • Constantly upgrade and maiııtain instructional and research facilities. Continuing laboratory capital expenditures are needed. • lncrease tlıe research activity, and in particular, increase tlıe external support for research (not at the expense of teaching poorly). Tlıe development of a research program is necessary for tlıe development of a strong graduate program relevant and strong. • Maintain adequate faculty maııpower and support personnel to properly support the undergraduate and graduate programs and to develop research programs. • lncrease tlıe amount of interaction witlı tlıe faculty of eııgineeriııg at other universities. Tlıis is to identify needs and see what is being done at tlıe natioııal and local level, if faculty are to remaiıı modern and relevant. This ex-